REIBC Original Research
2022: Public Sector Land Lease Renewals: Case studies from around the world
This report provides a review of public land development and public land ownership rationales, lease terms, and approaches from around the world. Information provided has been gathered from publicly available websites and publications, including government agencies where available, academic publications, legal websites, news articles, and reports. The intent is not to evaluate the success or relative effectiveness of the different approaches described, but rather to provide insight into the array of mechanisms and strategies that have been established in other jurisdictions with regards to development plans for public lands, including the leasing of public lands for the purpose of residential and related retail and commercial development, public asset management, and the potential role for private investment in this context.
Public Sector Land Lease Renewals: Case studies from around the world Report
2022: Whither BC’s Shifting Nexus of Climate and Fossil Fuels
This research explores Canada’s ongoing energy transition and how it may shift in response to global conflicts. While the climate crisis has put the future of the oil and gas industry into question, energy remains a critical part of Canada's economy. With global conflicts such as the war in Ukraine arising, how effectively are Canada's short and long term objectives being adjusted to reflect ruptures in the global order? How might these impact BC’s economy and related property markets? Is it possible for Canada to steward its resource development and still meet its ambitious climate objectives? How realistic are these goals when other nations are focused on monetizing natural resources as rapidly as possible?
Whither BC’s Shifting Nexus of Climate and Fossil Fuels
2019: Non-resident Ownership of Agricultural Property
This report provides a review of policies and approaches from around the world aimed at limiting non-resident ownership of agricultural property. Information provided has been gathered from publicly available websites and publications, including academic publications, legal websites, news articles, reports, and government agency communications. The intent is not to evaluate the success or relative effectiveness of the different approaches described, but rather to provide insight into the array of mechanisms and policies that have been established in other jurisdictions to address the challenges that could be faced in BC with regards to foreign investment in farmland.
Non-resident Ownership of Agricultural Property Report
2018: Non-resident Ownership of Commercial and Industrial Property
This is the second of two reports that provide a review of policies and approaches from around the world aimed at limiting non-resident ownership of property. While the first report, Policies on Non-resident Property Ownership, focused on residential real estate, the purpose of this report is to provide a review of policies for commercial and industrial real estate. (For the purpose of this report, commercial and industrial property will be referred to as “commercial” unless otherwise noted). Information has been gathered and triangulated from a variety of sources and wherever possible validated by government agencies. The intent of the review is not to evaluate the success or effectiveness of these different approaches, but rather provide insight into the array of mechanisms and policies that have been established in other jurisdictions to address challenges that are being faced with respect to foreign investment.
Non-resident Ownership of Commercial and Industrial Property Report
2017: Policies on Non-resident Property Ownership
This report provides a review of policies and approaches from around the world aimed at limiting non-resident ownership of residential property. Information provided has been gathered and triangulated from a variety of sources and wherever possible validated by government agencies. The intent of the review is not to evaluate the success or relative effectiveness of these different approaches, but rather to provide insight into the array of mechanisms and policies that have been established in other jurisdictions to address the challenges that are being faced currently with respect to foreign investment in BC.
Policies on Non-resident Property Ownership Report
Commissioned Real Estate Research
Community Acceptance of Non-Market Housing Toolkit
In June 2019, BC Housing launched the Community Acceptance of Non-Market Housing Toolkit on the BC Housing
The toolkit helps non-profit housing providers, local governments and other stakeholder groups gain community acceptance of non-market housing developments. The toolkit includes tips for communicating with community stakeholders when developing non-market housing, as well as strategies to address common neighbour concerns, demonstrate support to local governments, and mobilize supporters.