Exception Entrance

This type of entrance is for those individuals that do not qualify for professional membership with the education and experience as required. They may qualify with education, leadership and/or executive experience that may be deemed equivalent. These individuals must be in the real estate profession and demonstrate a commitment to excellence and ongoing learning.

Individuals that are working in a leadership position in real estate are able to apply for Exception Entrance. Applications will be based on the following criteria.

Leadership and management of individuals and resources at a strategic level

  • Education (degrees, courses, etc.)
  • Work Experience (span of experience, level of responsibility, decision-making authority with respect to people and financial transactions).
  • Leadership Activities (within the industry and sharing their expertise through webinars, presentations and similar venues)
  • Recognition (peers, professional organizations, etc.)
  • Industry involvement (any participation at the board level of professional organizations)


  • Completed application form
  • Application fee
  • Current CV including a cover letter.

All Exception Entrance applicants will be interviewed by the President-Elect before the application is forwarded to the Board of Governors for their decision.

If you want to apply for Exception Entrance, please call the Real Estate Institute of BC office at 604.685.3702 or 1.800.667.2166 extension 104 and speak with the Executive Officer.